LatinOWL for iPad

4.9 ( 2959 ratings )
Referência Ensino
Developer: Scot Mcphee

LatinOWL for iPad allows you to quickly lookup any Latin word, even when you dont know the the dictionary form of the word. You can lookup any conjugation or declension of a Latin verb, noun or adjective. Where there is more than one option for your entered form, or more than one possible root, all are shown. You can then select and view the Lewis & Short dictionary entry for the word.

LatinOWL for iPad allows you to search for new words while continuing to view the last selected dictionary entry. You can also view a history of the words youve recently searched for, and select one of them and return to the search results.

The data is powered from the open source online resources of the Perseus project and the application provides a convenient pocketable user interface to it.